Michelle MADZIMA
My body of work this year focuses on documenting the different stages of death and how different people approach the subject matter. The work I shoot is mostly in black and white because to me black and white is less distracting and allows the viewer to focus on what truly matters. Through the use of symbolism, light and experimenting with different angels /light sources I have managed to create compelling compositions, striking portraits and beautiful visual story telling. This body of work is inspired by the recent events that I have experienced during my time studying and living here in Cape Town. This body of works also draws inspiration from some of my favatourite photographers such Zanele Muholi and Eikoh Hosoe.
My work takes on a more comforting view on the subject of loss, healing and letting go. Through the different series I have tried to take the viewer on an emotion Journey were they will get the opportunity to sympathize and empathize with my work and at the same leaving room for the view to make their own personal interpretations. The images I have shoot are so personal and also relatable to anyone that has lost someone and looking for comfort and healing and understanding. The subject matter itself is not easy to discuss or understand but my work will provide the comfort we are all searching for.

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA

Michelle MADZIMA