Through my art I depict my healing process and the some of the people that help support me in my healing journey. The different mediums that I explore are symbols of the different forms of healing and forms of protection. One of the mediums that I have been experimenting with is textiles. This is one of my chosen mediums as most of the women in my family are seamstresses. By using textiles I feel closer to my heritage and family. My family and heritage that contributed heavily towards my support and protection. Blankets and clothing are made from material to protect the body from outside elements. Sewing the material into blankets and clothing are also a form of protection. Different mediums are used to make the portraits of family members to try to depict each individual to show the world who they are as people. As well as how they have supported me to be who I am today.

My art is mostly a depiction of my family, Heritage and different methods in which I am teaching myself to heal. In order to create this and to remind myself to heal I need to continue expressing myself through art . To learn more about my family, to learn more about my religion, heritage and culture.